Retired Foundation Cats
....Our First Homegrown Grand!....
(photo by Preston Smith)
Grand Champion KingdomKatz MiLady Chocolate Drop
Sire: CFA KingdomKatz Lord Malachi Dam: CFA Champion Foxy SugarPlum! of KingdomKatz
Congratulations Chocolate Drop!!2.5 Show Grand! CFA's BEST Chocolate Persian in the Nation! & CFA Midwest Region's BEST Chocolate Persian, Atlantic Himalayan Club's 6th BEST CPC in the Nation
Click here to see:
-->More Preston Smith Photos of Chocolate Drop
-->More Show and Baby Photos of Chocolate Drop
....Our First Regional Winner!....
photo by Preston Smith
Retired GC, RW Kissables Infinity of KingdomKatz
Sire: CFA Grand Champion, Regional Winner Rhamjoge Nash Dam: CFA Champion Lark Hill All Heart of Kissables Solid White Male
THANK YOU, Susannah of Kissables Persians for blessing me with your friendship and entrusting me with this gorgeous, ever so precious, angel from heaven! Infinity is perfect in every way and has been amazing to show! I can't thank you enough!! I'd like to thank all the judges who used him, made his grand so quick and delightful, and who continued to use him through to his Regional Win.
Congratulations Infinity!!!!
Grand Champion, Regional Winner 1 Show & 1 Ring Grand Champion! CFA Midwest Region's 19th BEST Cat, CFA Midwest Region's BEST Solid Persian, CFA Midwest Region's BEST White Persian, CFA's 14th BEST Solid Persian in the Nation, CFA's 5th BEST White Persian in the Nation
....Our Grand Premiers!....
(photo by Creative Focus Photography)
Grand Premier KingdomKatz St. Ignatius
Sire: CFA Grand Champion Whisperwood's AvalonDam: Grand Pointed, Champion KingdomKatz MiLady Trinity
Thank you, Cindy Burris, for showing this boy all the way to his Grand! You did a wonderful job with our gorgeous boy!! Thank you!!!
Congratulations, St. Ignatius!!!!
>>>>See St. Ignatius Baby Photos here
(photo by St. Arnaud)
Grand Premier KingdomKatz Mi Lady Adina Sire: CFA Grand Champion Angi-La's Royal Flush of KingdomKatz Dam: CFA Champion Ashmar's Cotton Candy of KingdomKatz
Robin Rayburn not only showed our girl to her Grand but als Thank you, Robin! Way to go!
Congratulations , Mi LadyAdina!!!!
Grand Premier Atlantic Himalayan Club's 4th BEST CPC in Premiership in the Nation, 9th BEST Parti-Color Persian in the Nation! Will be featured in CFA's 2010 yearbook as the 9th highest scoring cat in Premiership in her Breed/Division Nationally!
....Other Gorgeous Retired Foundational Cats!....
(photo by St. Arnaud)
Retired GrandChampion Jude Woodstock of KingdomKatz
Sire: CFA Grand Champion, Regional Winner Oak Branch Black Jack of JudeDam: CFA Champion Sulebrity Snow Angel of Jude
This boy comes to us from my dear friend Judy Harper. Judy, I cannot thank you enough for entrusting me with this spectacular boy! I love him, the judges adored him, and he was a thrill to show and Grand!!We'd like to congratulate Lynn Knight, owner of Woodstock's half brother, GC, BW, NW Jude Here Comes the Sun of BurnBrae for winning 13th Best Cat in the Nation as well as Number ONE Himalayan in the Nation!!
Congratulations Woodstock!!!! 2.5 Show Grand Champion! CFA's 25th BEST Himalayan in the Nation, CFA's 3rd BEST Seal Lynx Point in the Nation, CFA's Midwest Region's 2nd BEST Himalayan, CFA's Midwest Region's BEST Seal Lynx Point
Retired Kissables Hadassah of KingdomKatz
Sire: CFA Grand Champion Kissables Like Manna From Heaven Dam: CFA Champion Rhamjoge Foxy Roxy of Kissables Brown Tabby Bicolor
Retired Grand Pointed KingdomKatz MiLady Trinity Grand Pointed (145 pts) Sire: CFA Uno Belgatto Scottish Thistle Dam: CFA CH Ashmar's Madalyn of KingdomKatz Solid Black Female
Congratulations Trinity!!
CFA Midwest Region's BEST Black Persian, Atlantic Himalayan Club's 5th BEST CPC in the Nation
Retired Grand Champion Angi-La's Royal Flush of KingdomKatz
Sire: GC Katztoluv Prince Charming of Angi-La Dam: GC Katztoluv Flash Dancer of Angi-La
Royal Flush comes to us from Anne Gianniou of Angi-La Persians. She is no longer breeding her beautiful white Persians but we are grateful to her for both Royal and for White Knight. Thank you, Anne!
Congratulations Royal!!! 2 Show & 1 ring Grand Champion!!!
Midwest Region's SECOND BEST Red Tabby,
(photo by St. Arnaud)
Retired Champion Dreamz Raspberry Rose of KingdomKatz Sire: CFA Champion Lake Hyco's Perpetual Motion Dam: CFA Grand Champion Playwickey's Megga Rush Grand Pointed - Seal Point Female
Rosey is a beautiful seal point Himalayan bred by Ben and Lynn Seguin of Dreamz Cattery in Canada and Championed by Suzette Gary of Cozy Creek . When Suzette decided to focus on Ragdolls, I was blessed to have Rosey come live with me. Thank you, Lynn and Suzette! I just love this girl! Her disposition is phenomenal - extremely affectionate. She has wonderful point contrast, beautiful clear coat, and gorgeous eye color!! She was a joy to show in championship class, is now grand pointed, but unfortunately we could not hold back nature's way. Though she did not finish out her grand, she is certainly worthy of it. Lynn, thank you again for this lovely girl!!
Grand Pointed KingdomKatz Ten Million FyrFlys
Sire: CFA Fur Pleasure Ata Boy Dam: CFA Champion Ashmar's Madalyn of KingdomKatz Torti Point Female
Champion Ashmar Madalyn of KingdomKatz
Sire: CFA Champion Choc' Sugaw's Mr. Cadbury Dam: Arenel's Jellybean of Ashmar Seal Point Female
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